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Module type overrides

Wherever possible, it is recommended to use TypeScript's NodeNext or Node16 mode instead of the options described in this section. Setting "module": "NodeNext" and using the .cts file extension should work well for most projects.

When deciding how a file should be compiled and executed -- as either CommonJS or native ECMAScript module -- ts-node matches node and tsc behavior. This means TypeScript files are transformed according to your tsconfig.json "module" option and executed according to node's rules for the package.json "type" field. Set "module": "NodeNext" and everything should work.

In rare cases, you may need to override this behavior for some files. For example, some tools read a name-of-tool.config.ts and require that file to execute as CommonJS. If you have package.json configured with "type": "module" and tsconfig.json with "module": "esnext", the config is native ECMAScript by default and will raise an error. You will need to force the config and any supporting scripts to execute as CommonJS.

In these situations, our moduleTypes option can override certain files to be CommonJS or ESM. Similar overriding is possible by using .mts, .cts, .cjs and .mjs file extensions. moduleTypes achieves the same effect for .ts and .js files, and also overrides your tsconfig.json "module" config appropriately.

The following example tells ts-node to execute a webpack config as CommonJS:

"ts-node": {
"transpileOnly": true,
"moduleTypes": {
"webpack.config.ts": "cjs",
// Globs are also supported with the same behavior as tsconfig "include"
"webpack-config-scripts/**/*": "cjs"
"compilerOptions": {
"module": "es2020",
"target": "es2020"
"ts-node": {
"transpileOnly": true,
"moduleTypes": {
"webpack.config.ts": "cjs",
// Globs are also supported with the same behavior as tsconfig "include"
"webpack-config-scripts/**/*": "cjs"
"compilerOptions": {
"module": "es2020",
"target": "es2020"

Each key is a glob pattern with the same syntax as tsconfig's "include" array. When multiple patterns match the same file, the last pattern takes precedence.

  • cjs overrides matches files to compile and execute as CommonJS.
  • esm overrides matches files to compile and execute as native ECMAScript modules.
  • package resets either of the above to default behavior, which obeys package.json "type" and tsconfig.json "module" options.


Files with an overridden module type are transformed with the same limitations as isolatedModules. This will only affect rare cases such as using const enums with preserveConstEnums disabled.

This feature is meant to facilitate scenarios where normal compilerOptions and package.json configuration is not possible. For example, a webpack.config.ts cannot be given its own package.json to override "type". Wherever possible you should favor using traditional package.json and tsconfig.json configurations.