Create a new NavigationItem instance.
The visible title of the navigation node.
The url this navigation node points to.
The parent navigation node.
A string containing the css classes of this node.
The source [Reflection] for this [NavigationItem]
An array containing all child navigation nodes.
A string containing the css classes of this node.
A list of urls that should be seen as sub-pages of this node.
Does this navigation node represent the current page?
Is this navigation node one of the parents of the current page?
Is this item a simple label without a link?
Is this the navigation node for the modules page?
Is this item visible?
The parent navigation node.
The source [Reflection] this item is built from
The visible title of the navigation node.
The url this navigation node points to.
Create a navigation node for the given reflection.
The reflection whose navigation node should be created.
The parent navigation node.
Force this function to always use short names.
Generated using TypeDoc
A hierarchical model holding the data of single node within the navigation.
This structure is used by the [[NavigationPlugin]] and [[TocPlugin]] to expose the current navigation state to the template engine. Themes should generate the primary navigation structure through the [[BaseTheme.getNavigation]] method.