  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Interface DeclarationReflection




Optional categories

categories: ReflectionCategory[]

All children grouped by their category.

Optional children

The children of this reflection.

Optional comment

comment: Comment

The parsed documentation comment attached to this reflection.

Optional decorates

decorates: SomeType[]

A list of all types that are decorated by this reflection.

Optional decorators

decorators: Decorator[]

Optional defaultValue

defaultValue: string

The default value of this reflection.

Applies to function parameters.

Optional extendedBy

extendedBy: InferredType[]

A list of all types that extend this reflection (e.g. the subclasses).

Optional extendedTypes

extendedTypes: SomeType[]

A list of all types this reflection extends (e.g. the parent classes).


Optional getSignature

getSignature: [SignatureReflection]

Optional groups

groups: ReflectionGroup[]

All children grouped by their kind.


id: number

Unique id of this reflection.

Optional implementationOf

implementationOf: InferredType

A type that points to the reflection this reflection is the implementation of.

Applies to class members.

Optional implementedBy

implementedBy: InferredType[]

A list of all types that implement this reflection.

Optional implementedTypes

implementedTypes: SomeType[]

A list of all types this reflection implements.

Optional indexSignature

indexSignature: SignatureReflection

The index signature of this declaration.

Optional inheritedFrom

inheritedFrom: InferredType

A type that points to the reflection this reflection has been inherited from.

Applies to interface and class members.


The kind of this reflection.

Optional kindString

kindString: string

The human readable string representation of the kind of this reflection. Set during the resolution phase by GroupPlugin


name: string

The symbol name of this reflection.

Optional originalName

originalName: string

Will not be present if name === originalName

Optional overwrites

overwrites: InferredType

A type that points to the reflection that has been overwritten by this reflection.

Applies to interface and class members.

Optional setSignature

setSignature: [SignatureReflection]

Optional signatures

signatures: SignatureReflection[]

A list of call signatures attached to this declaration.

TypeDoc creates one declaration per function that may contain ore or more signature reflections.

Optional sources

sources: SourceReference[]

Optional type

type: SomeType

The type of the reflection.

If the reflection represents a variable or a property, this is the value type.
If the reflection represents a signature, this is the return type.

Optional typeParameter

typeParameter: TypeParameterReflection[]

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